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  • * Mandatory fields. I hereby consent to receive emails from Landa Global Properties Ltd. and their respective current and future affiliates and subsidiaries. This may include pricing, floor plans for current and future products, sales updates, event invitations, announcements, corporate newsletters, and other contact. I understand that I can unsubscribe at any time.

Château Laurier

位于温哥华First Shaughnessy社区、坐落于Laurier Avenue上的11房尊享精致住宅。外墙以石灰岩修筑、古典美观,设计灵感来自于欧式古典建筑风格,因其华丽精巧的细节而大放异彩。现已售罄

Chateau Laurier - Exterior Photo -Hero





1009 Laurier Avenue, Vancouver, B.C. Canada


  • 11户高级豪华住宅
  • 四层住宅楼房
  • 28,821平方英尺



Become a LANDA insider

When you become a LANDA Insider you will receive valuable information about all our upcoming projects.

  • * Mandatory fields. I hereby consent to receive emails from Landa Global Properties Ltd. and their respective current and future affiliates and subsidiaries. This may include pricing, floor plans for current and future products, sales updates, event invitations, announcements, corporate newsletters, and other contact. I understand that I can unsubscribe at any time.